Presentation Manager Training 

By following the procedure in the video and practicing the steps the The Course Supervisor who is managing the presentation will be confident that they can accurately present the videos according to what is needed during the course.

There are a couple of things to keep in mind before we begin:

  1. There are other ways to do this, other than the way that we will teach you.
    And that is OK as long as you can deliver reliable, quality results and avoid the risk of error. If you are 100% certain then go ahead. That said, we have found that the way that we am about to show you will produce reliable quality results and virtually eliminate the risk of error and unforeseen glitches. So, we strongly suggest that you work to master this particular method. It is not hard.
  2. There is a lot of time available. This is a 40 minute berak. When we have spoken to presentation managers during this training, they tell us that they feel a lot of pressure during this process. However. If you follow these steps you are likely to find that there is no rush, and there is no need to feel pressure. As long as you are familiar with these steps and follow this procedure you will be just fine.