Presentation Manager Training 

The resources on this page will build on the previous skill to guide you through how to share Microsoft PowerPoint slides so that the slide shows on the participant’s screens while they are inside the Zoom breakout rooms.

During specific sections of the Landmark Forum on days one, two, and three, you’ll be presenting slides in selected breakout rooms while participants are paired for sharing. This won’t happen on Wednesday night or the final session of the Forum.

To broadcast a PowerPoint slideshow into a breakout room, 

  1.  Wait until the Breakout Room Manager has opened the breakout rooms.
  2. Click the green share screen button in the icon bar at the bottom of the Zoom Meeting window. This will open the “Share Screen” dialogue box.
  3. Select the slide you want to share.
  4. Click to choose the “broadcast into breakout room” checkbox at the bottom of the dialogue box.
  5. Click the blue share button.